Who’s behind Doing Good, Well?

Hi, I am Sweta Govani.

My portfolio life thesis is supporting and elevating underestimated founders to build thriving businesses, on their terms. For my ‘work’ part of the portfolio, I am fractional marketing leader and coach for tech startups on their 0 to $1m journey and have worked with / advised 100s of founders.

I know what founders are going through as they try to run marketing along with the rest of the business because I’ve been there before:

  • At a 5-person bootstrapped B2B SaaS startup, as a solo marketer I took it to $10k+ MRR in ~6 months.

  • As a solo ‘marketer’ at a 2-person B2B marketplace startup, I led product and marketing, pioneering its $200K ARR SaaS tool. 

  • At the start of my career, I ran a world-class lifecycle marketing program for B2C subscription brands that generated $40M/year in a declining industry.

I specialize in subscription businesses, specifically self-serve B2B and B2C SaaS (i.e. not requiring any sales interaction). I’ve worked in health, parenting, fashion, learning & development, eCommerce, nonprofit tech, and more, all chasing varying degrees of growth that was right for them. The most important thing I’ve learned is this: 

Tech startups can grow profitably, without sacrificing on mission and values. It just takes a values-driven founder* partnering with a mission-driven marketer (that’s me!) on their 0 to 1 journey. I help founders achieve, what I call, business-market fit i.e. helping you predictably acquire, retain, and monetize customers, while you focus on building a product customers love.

* Values-driven tech founders are genuinely passionate about using technology to solve real problems for customers (not VCs) - anything from world hunger to future of work. You are committed to building a profitable business, and seeking responsible growth - best-in-class marketing, no unethical hacks. And, strictly not douchebags. If that sounds like you, and you are running marketing at your startup, join us at the Founder-Led Marketing Club - a crash course and group for kind, smart tech startup founders running their own marketing to get their first 100+ happy paying customers.

On a personal note, I’m based in Austin, Texas, USA but always have a suitcase packed. I was born and raised in Mumbai and had the pleasure of calling NYC home for 10+ years. I will easily pick traveling over almost anything else, besides spending time with my closest friends & family. I’m also angel investing in mission-driven tech startups with multi-million dollar potential, particularly interested in underestimated founders chasing profitability (not exits).

If you have questions, drop me a note via email or LinkedIn anytime. Use this for angel investing pitches too.

Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the internet!

Rooting for you,

15 years of end-to-end experience in acquiring, retaining & monetizing customers for 30+ brands, specializing in self-serve B2B & B2C SaaS

  • B2C subscription: Peer coaching for personal growth

  • On-demand personal stylists

  • B2B SaaS: DIY app builder

  • Parenting digital products

  • Health and wellness content

  • Monthly book subscription

  • Impact founders & funders platform and SaaS

  • Premier pregnancy content

  • Subscription diet app

  • Celebrity fitness subscription app

You’ll be asked to fill out a form designed to help you think about your marketing priorities so the call is focused on designing a partnership (versus context setting).